Werma WIN Ethernet


The Werma WIN system is a wireless communication system for making simple machine state information available for digital processing. The system especially enables connected stacklights. With the Cybus Connectware, the Werma WIN data can easily be made available in your shopfloor data structure.

The Werma WIN system consists of the following components:

Werma WIN Ethernet Master

The master acts as an access point to the wireless sensor system. Its ethernet port must be reachable by the Cybus Connectware. In order to commission the data acquisition, the IP address of the ethernet master must be known. A single master is used for managing access to multiple slaves.

Werma WIN Slaves

Each machine / stack light is equipped with a dedicated slave. Each slave is identified by its mac address, which can be found out by inspecting the Cybus logs or with the Werma WIN Windows Configuration tool. Every slave provides the following data points:

  • RSSI: an indicator for the wireless signal strength of this particular slave.

  • Tiers (t1,t2,t3,t4): represent the state of the up to four digital switches. A tier is usually associated with a specific color. Tiers may carry one of the following values: ‘on’, ‘off’, or ‘blink’.

State updates from slaves can be triggered asynchronously at fixed time intervals as well as on state changes of any of the tiers.

Werma WIN Easy Software

For system setup and configuration and especially the association between master and slaves, you need to use the Werma WIN Windows Software that is shipped with the hardware.

Werma WIN Shopfloor Manager

The proprietary shopfloor management application from Werma can be used in conjunction with the Connectware. Because a Werma WIN Ethernet Master does not allow multiple concurrent connections, the Cybus Werma Proxy Service can be used to distribute data simultaneously.

The Cybus Connectware Werma protocol maps the proprietary Werma WIN Protocol into MQTT/JSON.

Connection Properties

host (string, required)

Hostname or IP of the Werma device

Example: ""

port (integer, required)

Port of the Werma device

Example: 15200

password (string, required)

Password of the Werma device

Default: "b1b0"

Example: "abcd1234"

connectionStrategy (object)

If a connection attempt fails, retries will be performed with increasing delay (waiting time) in between. The following parameters control how these delays behave.

Properties of the connectionStrategy object:

initialDelay (integer)

Delay (waiting time) of the first connection retry (in milliseconds). For subsequent retries, the delay will be increased according to the parameter incrementFactor which has a default value of 2.

Default: 1000

Additional restrictions:

  • Minimum: 1000

maxDelay (integer)

Maximum delay (waiting time) to wait until the next retry (in milliseconds). The delay (waiting time) for any subsequent connection retry will not be larger than this value. Must be strictly greater than initialDelay.

Default: 30000

incrementFactor (integer)

The factor used to increment initialDelay up to maxDelay. For example if initialDelay is set to 1000 and maxDelay to 5000 the values for the delay would be 1000, 2000, 4000, 5000.

Default: 2

Additional restrictions:

  • Minimum: 2

Endpoint Properties

mac (string, required)

The MAC address of the slave

Example: "00BCDD"

field (string, enum)

Selector for the field to be mapped

This element must be one of the following enum values:

  • t1

  • t2

  • t3

  • t4

  • all

  • rssi

  • raw

Example: "00BCDD"

Example Configuration

The following example demonstrates how to configure a simple Werma connection and endpoint that subscribes to a device specified by its MAC address.

 2  type: Cybus::Connection
 3  properties:
 4    protocol: Werma
 5    connection:
 6      port: !ref host
 7      host: !ref host
 8      password: !ref password
 9      connectionStrategy:
10        initialDelay: 1000
11        maxDelay: 10000
12        incrementFactor: 2
15  type: Cybus::Endpoint
16  properties:
17    protocol: Werma
18    connection: !ref wermaConnection
19    subscribe:
20      mac: !ref macAddress

Received data for tiers

2  "timestamp": "<unix timestamp in ms>",
3  "value": "'on'|'off'|'blink'"

Received data for rssi

2  "timestamp": "<unix timestamp in ms>",
3  "value": "<float>"

Received data for all

 2  "timestamp": "<unix timestamp in ms>",
 3  "value": {
 4    "t1": "'on'|'off'|'blink'",
 5    "t2": "'on'|'off'|'blink'",
 6    "t3": "'on'|'off'|'blink'",
 7    "t4": "'on'|'off'|'blink'",
 8    "rssi": "<float>"
 9  }

Received data for raw

The raw data is forwarded as received from the Werma WIN Ethernet master without any further processing or decoration.