OPC UA Server References

If you want to use a predefined OPC UA node in your commissioning file, you can use a Node reference to achieve that. One use case of that is placing newly defined nodes at the certain point in the OPC UA server tree. The other possibility is to publish data of predefined nodes as MQTT capable nodes.

It is possible to create an instance of an object type by using the resource type Cybus::Node::OpcuaObject

Custom ReferenceNode Properties

referenceNodeId (string)

reference Nodes in OPC UA server and publish them into the comissioning file context

Example: "MachineToolType"

namespaceUrl (string)

URL of the namespace that contains the the object type to instantiate

Example: "http://opcfoundation.org/UA/MachineTool/"

relativeBrowsePath (string)

This follows the OPC UA specification for relative browse path values relative to the given reference Node Id

Example: "/Server/ServerCapabilities/OperationLimits/MaxNodesPerBrowse"

startNodeId (string)

Address to the Starting Point for the relative browse path

Example: "ns=0;i=85"

Example Commissioning File

Download: opcua-references-example.yml

 2description: Test for placing a ToolType inside a MachineTool instance
 5  name: Tooltype placement test
 8  opcuaServer:
 9    type: Cybus::Server::Opcua
10    properties:
11      hostname:
12      securityModes: [ 'None', 'SignAndEncrypt' ]
13      securityPolicies: [ 'None', 'Basic256Sha256' ]
14      nodesetFiles: [ 'di', 'machinery', 'machineTool' ]
15      allowAnonymous: true
16      port: 4841
18  ######################################
19  #
20  # referencing the "Machines" folder
21  # which got provided by the Machinery
22  # nodeset file
23  #
24  ######################################
25  machineRoot:
26    type: Cybus::Node::OpcuaReference
27    properties:
28      parent: !ref opcuaServer
29      referenceNodeId: 'i=1001'
30      namespaceUrl: 'http://opcfoundation.org/UA/Machinery/'
32  ######################################
33  #
34  # instantiating a MachineToolType
35  # from the MachineTool type
36  #
37  ######################################
38  testMachineToolType:
39    type: Cybus::Node::OpcuaObject
40    properties:
41      parent: !ref machineRoot
42      browseName: MyMachineToolTypeTest
43      objectTypeName: MachineToolType
44      sourceNamespaceUrl: 'http://opcfoundation.org/UA/MachineTool/'
48  ######################################
49  #
50  # referencing the "Equipment" subfolder
51  # of the instantiated toolType
52  #
53  ######################################
54  EquipmentFolder:
55    type: Cybus::Node::OpcuaReference
56    properties:
57      parent: !ref testMachineToolType
58      relativeBrowsePath: '/4:Equipment'
60  ######################################
61  #
62  # add a toolList type
63  # of the instantiated toolType
64  #
65  ######################################
66  toolList:
67    type: Cybus::Node::OpcuaObject
68    properties:
69      parent: !ref EquipmentFolder
70      browseName: Tools
71      objectTypeName: ToolListType
72      sourceNamespaceUrl: 'http://opcfoundation.org/UA/MachineTool/'
75  #########################################
76  #
77  # instantiating a ToolType and placing it
78  # into the tools list folder of the instance
79  #
80  ########################################
81  demoToolInstance:
82    type: Cybus::Node::OpcuaObject
83    properties:
84      parent: !ref toolList
85      browseName: DemoTool
86      objectTypeName: ToolType
87      sourceNamespaceUrl: 'http://opcfoundation.org/UA/MachineTool/'

Preexisting nodeIds can be referenced using an absolute nodeId, e.g ns=1;s=1001. It is also possible to reference a nodeId by a browsePath from a certain start point that needs to be specified as well. Please review the BNF documentation for this:
